
鬱憤や怒りを「表現」に変えよう | B-BOY Piecez | Talks about UNITY Charity


去る9月29日、RAW SKOOL JAM 2013 “Canada Edition”のゲストBBOYとして来日したPiecez (M.E.C/UNITY Charity)。
全国から集まった82チームのトーナメントで、同じくゲストで来日したBBOY Lost Child (Fresh Format/Flava Squad)ともに戦い、準優勝に輝きました。

そんなPiecez、オランダの世界大会「IBE」オクタゴンでの優勝など、10代のころからカナダのBBOYシーンを引っ張るコンペティターとしての一面のほかに、実はUNITY Charityという団体の代表で、HIPHOPカルチャーを通じたコミュニティ活動を2007年から行っています。主に日本で中高生にあたる世代を対象として、BBOYINGやグラフィティ・アートなどのアートフォームを通じて、彼らを非行やひきこもりから救うアプローチを実践しています。

カナダのトロントを拠点に活動するPiecezと、UNITY Charityは、世界的にみても斬新なアプローチを続けている一人です。

今回も日英でのポスト。ENJOY IT!


1) あなたについて、そしてUNITY Charityについて簡単に紹介してくれるかな?
Please briefly introduce yourself and UNITY (also its mission, achievement, etc.)

マイク・プロサーマン aka Bboy Piecez、UNITY Charity(以下、UNITY)の創立者であり、全体の責任者をしているよ。15年以上ダンスをしていて、UNITY Charityは2007年から活動しているよ。
My name is Mike Prosserman aka Bboy Piecez and I’m the Founder and Executive Director of UNITY Charity. I’ve been dancing for over 15 years and started my own organization called UNITY back in 2007.

UNITY was started out of my own story. I always used dance to release the stress and anger I had as a young person and I wanted to share that outlet with other youth across Canada.

So I started UNITY Charity and since it’s inception it has grown from a project for me in high school to a National charity reaching over 30,000 youth each year across Canada.

UNITY’s mission is engage and empower youth to be role models and leaders in their communities. We use break dancing (bboying/bgirling), all styles dancing, spoken word poetry, MCing, graffiti art and beatboxing to engage youth into leadership based after school programs in schools and in community spaces.

UNITYのウィークリープログラムは、オンタリオ、アルベルタ、ノヴァ・スコティアの各州で展開していて、次はバンクーバーやケベックで近々スタート出来るように準備しているよ。それからUNITYでは毎年夏にフェスティバルを開催している。フェスティバルは、UNITYのプログラムに参加している青少年の声を称えるんだけど、今年はTalib KweliやRhazel、Bboy Kid Davidなんかが参加して、ステージ・パフォーマンスを若者たちと一緒にシェアしたよ。
We have weekly programs in priority communities in Ontario, Alberta, and Nova Scotia with plans to expand to Vancouver and Quebec in the next few years. We also have a festival every summer that celebrates the voices of all of the youth in our programs which last July 2013 had over 250 youth perform and a headline performance by artists such as Talib Kweli, Rahzel, Kid David and many others sharing the stage with our youth.

Our tagline for UNITY is “express your stress and develop skills for success”. That is, get rid of the anger you have so you can focus on your future and what you are currently dealing with in life including school, work, relationships and setting goals for yourself.

UNITY Charity TVCM 「What Speaks To You」

2) UNITYは青少年に対して、社会的な意味でどのような影響を与えてこれたかな?そしてその成果があらわれるまでにどのくらいの時間を要したかな?
How has UNITY impacted Canadian youth in a social term? and how long did it take untill you could see the change?

We see many youth from our programs moving on to graduate high school and join programs of their career interest. A large group of youth from our programs joined College and University after graduating unity’s programs as well as aspire to have careers as teachers, social workers, music producers, and artists just to name a few.

We have also put over 20 youth from our programs through our artist training program to provide them with contract, part time and full time jobs for UNITY after graduating our program. We take pride in seeing our graduates become employees of UNITY and other arts and cultural organizations in the city.

Our goal for youth joining our program is that they find their passion and set concrete goals for their future. Our after school program directly helps youth to do this.

We also teach youth to use their art forms as a stress and anger reducing technique so they can make better choices in the moment. Many youth make poor choices in the moments when their life is clouded with anger, and negative energy.

By teaching the youth to use their art forms to express and release their stress, youth are able to make more positive life choices. We have tons of quotes from youth around stress / anger management. For example here are some quotes by youth in our program around anger management:

“I have learned to express my anger positively. Instead of punching the wall, punching a face or slamming doors, I will dance it out or write my feelings down on paper.”

“I now use dance to release stress instead of getting in fights with my brother.”

“When I’m feeling hurt or anything not good, I will draw to [let out] my anger so I will no longer hurt myself to rid my fear, anger and depression.”

UNITY Graduation

We also teach youth to respect diversity by teaching them to tell their own real and personal stories to heal and inspire their peers to realize they are not alone in the many challenges teenagers deal with on a daily basis.

Here are some testimonials / quotes from our youth around respecting diversity:

“I learned that everybody has a story about their past, but what is important is acceptance and understanding. I learned never to judge people because you don’t know what they’ve been through.”

“I will use what I have learned in this workshop to better understand the people around me and to follow what I love. I will treat others with respect and compassion because that’s what everyone wants. You can’t judge what you don’t know. You don’t know their story.”

“I learned not to judge people, even the quiet ones.”

We reach over 30,000 youth each year with our many programs.

北極圏の青少年との交流プログラム「Share Our Spirit」

3) UNITYの次の目標は何(短期でも中長期でも)?それと何か課題はあるかな?
what is UNITY’s next goal? (either short term or long term, or both) And any problems to solve in front of UNITY right now?

いま、UNITYは「HUBプログラム」っていう全部の要素を入れたプログラムを、トロントとハリファックス、カルガリーで開始しようとしているよ。HUBプログラムは、青少年どうしの指導プログラムで、Hip Hopコミュニティの若いリーダーたち自身が、それぞれのアートフォームを通じて他の同世代に教えることを学ぶプログラムなんだ。
Right now UNITY is launching a new all elements HUB program in Toronto, Halifax and Calgary. This program consists of a peer to peer mentorship and teaching method where strong youth leaders in the hip hop community learn to teach their art forms to other youth in the community.

We are currently in the development stage of this program and plan to launch it in Halifax in November 2013, Toronto in February 2014 and Calgary in April 2014. We are also growing as a staff which has posed some exciting growth challenges as we embrace the interest and need for our programs nationally.

5) 日本のBBOYやBGIRL、そして日本の人たちにメッセージをお願い。
Any shout outs to japanese bboys/bgirls/people?

I was VERY impressed with the skill level, commitment and community of the Japanese bboy/bgirl scene. First I must say seeing the bgirls in Japan truly inspired me to share the videos with my students back at home. I rarely see so many bgirls so hungry who push the limits of this dance like those I met this weekend.

あと、めちゃくちゃ若い世代のBBOYやBGIRLにも本当に食らったよ。11歳とか16歳とかのダンサーが、これまで僕が見てきた多くのダンサーよりも上手いなんて、ぶっ飛んじゃうね。RAW SKOOLのように、次世代のために道を開いてくれる人たちがいれば、日本のBBOY/BGIRLシーンの未来は明るいって断言出来るよ!
I also am extremely impressed by the age of very young bboy and bgirls in Japan. To see 11 year old to 16 year old dancers who are better then many dancers I’ve seen internationally is really a mind blowing experience. It’s safe to say that with groups like Raw Skool paving the way for our younger generation that the Japanese bboy and bgirl scene has a very bright future.




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